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Approved By AICTE, New Delhi & Affiliated to JNTUK, Kakinada

Accredited by NAAC, NBA(CSE, ECE & ME)



Faculty Achievements:

S.NoFaculty nameAchievements
1.Dr. P. Seshu BabuCompleted the course Introduction to R Software conducted by NPTEL.
2.B. Ranga NagavalliCompleted the course Speaking effectively conducted by NPTEL.
3.K. BhavaniCompleted the Foundation course in Managerial Economics conducted by NPTEL.
4.V.N.S.R.Venkateswara RaoSubmitted Ph.D. thesis on “Molecular Interactions in Binary Liquid Mixtures of Diethyl Malonate at Different Temperatures: Evaluation by Thermo-Physical Properties” to Acharya Nagarjuna University.

Faculty Development Programs / Seminars / Workshops / Symposiums Attended:

S.NoFaculty nameWorkshop/Term course DatesTitleOrganized By
1Dr.P.R.Sobhan Babu6th and 7th February 2020Recent advance in mathematics and ITS industrial applicationsANU-Ongole
2M.L.L.Phanikanth29th – 30th November 2019Rings and Near rings with special emphasis on gamma near-ring theoryDepartment of mathematics, ANU
3M.L.L.Phanikanth22nd Nov 2019Outcome based education (OBE) – Possibilities and challengesANR college
4K.Bhavani04th – 08th November 2019New Generation innovation and entrepreneurship development centerRamachandra college of Engineering, Eluru
5K.Bhavani22nd August 2019Innovation in Teaching pedagogyTKR college of Engineering & Technology
6V.T.N.V.Lakshmi22nd August 2019Innovation in Teaching pedagogyTKR college of Engineering & Technology
7V.T.N.V.Lakshmi04th – 08th November 2019New Generation innovation and entrepreneurship development centerRamachandra college of Engineering, Eluru
8U.Eswar Krishna nadh04th – 08th November 2019New Generation innovation and entrepreneurship development centerRamachandra college of Engineering, Eluru
9V.N.S.R.Venkateswara Rao9th March 2017Chemistry for Green EnvironmentY.V.N.R. GOVT. Degree College, Kaikaluru
10V.N.S.R.Venkateswara Rao22nd September 2016Biomass – Sustainable solutions on Energy, Chemicals and Industrial materialsUsha Rama College of Engineering And Technology, Vijayawada
11Dr.P.Seshu Babu25th July to 30th July 2016DATA SCIENCE WITH RDepartment of Mechanical Engineering, Acharya Institute of Technology, Bangalore
12Dr.P.Seshu Babu13th July – 15th July 2015Construction of third order Slope Rotatable Designs Using Balanced Incomplete Block DesignsSRI VENKATESWARA UNIVERSITY, TIRUPATHI