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...Empowering minds


Approved By AICTE, New Delhi & Affiliated to JNTUK, Kakinada

Accredited by NAAC, NBA(CSE, ECE & ME)


I Roles & Responsibilities of In charge, Examination Cell:
  1. Communicating the Examination schedules each academic year to the stakeholders through the principal.
  2. Communicating Academic calendar and timetable given by the university to the staff and students through the principal.
  3. Giving advanced circular to the staff signed by the principal regarding submission of question paper, award sheets on time and any other required documents.
  4. Administering the process of preparing and sending examination time tables, invigilation duties to the staff, seating arrangement for each examination room and making arrangements for smooth conduction of examinations.
  5. Administering the process of receiving, checking and securely storing confidential examination materials of internal assessment etc .
  6. Uploading the data related to students, Examination marks, student attendance, End exam registration data to the university in stipulated time.
  7. Downloading the End University Examination question paper in encrypted form and making it decrypted and printing the necessary number of question papers as per the end examination requirement in presence of principal and observer
  8. Ensure that Examinations are held in stipulated time and make sure that the exam related documents reach to the nodal centre in time.
  9. Administering the process of distributing the marks memos to the students.
II Roles & Responsibilities of Department member:
  1. Communicating the timetables, notices etc. sent by the examination cell to the students
  2. Communicating the timetables, notices etc. sent by the examination cell to the students
  3. Summarizing the Examination results and preparing the report
III Roles & Responsibilities of Junior Assistant:
  1. Preparing examination time tables, invigilation duties to the staff, seating arrangement for each examination room, as explained by the In charge.
  2. Preparing the data related to students, Examination marks, student attendance, End exam registration data to be uploaded to the university
  3. Assisting in the collection of Answer scripts, Examination fees and keeping records of the same.
IV Roles & Responsibilities of Clerk:
  1. Collecting the examination scripts, packing and dispatching examination scripts
  2. Collecting the Examination fees from the students.
  3. Keeping records of all the examinations held for future.