Electronics & Communications Engineering
B.Tech in Electronics & Communication Engineering with an intake of 120.
M.Tech in VLSI System Design with an intake of 09.
Electronics devices and circuits Lab
The Department has well equipped laboratories. The labs are provided with necessary equipments as per the JNTU syllabus.
S.No | Name of the Equipment | Qty |
1 | CROs | 23 |
2 | Function Generators | 15 |
3 | Dual Regulated Power supply | 26 |
4 | Analog and Digital Trainer kit | 12 |
5 | DRB | 36 |
6 | DCB | 16 |
7 | DIB | 16 |
8 | Digital Multi Meters | 15 |
9 | DC Ammeters | 30 |
10 | DC Volt meters(0-200V) | 20 |
11 | DC Volt meters(0-2V | 05 |
12 | DC Volt meters(0-20V) | 05 |
13 | h parameters | 01 |
14 | SCR Characteristics | 01 |
15 | 5KVA servo stabilizer | 01 |
16 | Analog and Digital IC Tester | 01 |
17 | 3 1/2 Digital AC Ammeter (0-200mA) | 05 |
Communication Lab
The Department has well equipped laboratories. The labs are provided with necessary equipments as per the JNTU syllabus.
S.No | Name of the Equipment | Qty |
1 | Cathode Ray Oscilloscope (0-30) MHz | 22 |
2 | Function Generator | 16 |
3 | Dual Regulated Power supply | 12 |
4 | 70MHz DSO | 6 |
5 | 1 GHz Spectrum Analyzer | 1 |
6 | Amplitude modulation & Demodulation | 4 |
7 | Frequency modulation & Demodulation | 3 |
8 | Pre-emphasis & De-emphasis | 2 |
9 | Phase Locked Loop | 2 |
10 | Mixer Characteristics | 2 |
11 | Digital Phase Detector | 2 |
12 | Synchronous Detector | 2 |
13 | Squelch circuit | 2 |
14 | Balanced modulation & Demodulation | 2 |
15 | DSB/SSB System modulation & Demodulation | 2 |
16 | AGC Characteristics | 3 |
17 | Digital Multimeter | 12 |
18 | DRB | 8 |
19 | DCB | 8 |
20 | DIB | 8 |
21 | RF Signal Generator | 1 |
22 | Digital DC Ammeter | 20 |
23 | Digital DC Volmeter | 25 |
24 | Handheld Digital LCR Meter | 1 |
25 | ASK Modulation &Demodulation | 1 |
26 | FDM kit | 1 |
27 | Smart TV(32″) | 1 |
28 | Diode Detector | 1 |
29 | PAM kit | 1 |
30 | PWM kit | 1 |
31 | PPM kit | 1 |
32 | Sampling Theorem | 1 |
33 | TDM kit | 1 |
34 | PCM | 1 |
35 | DPCM | 1 |
36 | Delta modulation& Demodulation | 1 |
37 | FSK | 1 |
38 | PSK | 1 |
39 | DPSK | 1 |
40 | Source Encoder & Decoder | 1 |
41 | Linear Block codes Encoder & Decoder | 1 |
42 | Binary codes Encoder & Decoder | 1 |
43 | Convolutional code Encoder & Decoder | 1 |
44 | Companding Trainer Board | 1 |
45 | Digital to Analog Trainer kits | 12 |
Microprocessors & Microcontrollers Lab
The Department has well equipped laboratories. The labs are provided with necessary equipments as per the JNTU syllabus.
S.No | Name of the Equipment | Qty |
1 | 8086 Microprocessor Trainer Kit (LCD version) | 10 |
2 | Zenith intel Dual core CPU | 30 |
3 | 8051 Microcontroller trainer kit ESA-51E | 09 |
4 | 10 KVA on line UPS . | 01 |
5 | Nexys 4DDR FPGA Boards | 05 |
6 | Bays 3 Development Kit | 01 |
7 | Zybo Board | 01 |
8 | ARM Evalution board LPC214X series | 04 |
9 | PIC Evalution trainer Kit 16F877 | 04 |
10 | DSP Starter Kit(TMS320C6713) | 08 |
11 | 8086 Microprocessor Trainer Kit(LCD version) | 10 |
12 | Study Cards 8259 | 01 |
13 | Study Cards 8259(IF-sc-8259) | 01 |
14 | Study Cards 8279 | 01 |
15 | Study Cards 8279(IF-sc-8279) | 04 |
16 | Study Cards 8255 | 01 |
17 | Study Cards 8255(IF-SC-8255) | 01 |
18 | Interface Elevator | 01 |
19 | Interface Traffic | 01 |
20 | Interface ADC Model :IF 16ADC08 | 01 |
21 | 16 Channel 8 Bit ADC interface Model No:IF16ADC08 | 03 |
22 | 8 Channel 12 Bit ADC interface Model No:IF8ADC12M | 03 |
23 | Interface DAC | 01 |
24 | Dual DAC Interface Model NO.IF DDAC | 01 |
25 | Study Cards 8251/53 | 01 |
26 | Study Cards 8251/53 Interface Model NO.IF-SE-8251/53 | 01 |
27 | Zenith Primium PCs Intel pentimum Dual Core(CPU),G640/processor 2.8GHz,3MB/2GB DDR3/320GB SATA-II/10//100/1000LAN/USM multi media KBD/USB optical Mouse | 30 |
28 | Zenith Primium monitor(18.5″) WIDE TFT(47Cm) | 30 |
29 | Patch Pannel | 01 |
30 | Rack 9 U | 01 |
31 | 8051 Micro controller Trainer Kit(USB data cable,KBDpower supply) | 01 |
32 | 8051 Micro controller Trainer Kit ESA-51E | 08 |
33 | 10 KVA On lin UPS with Battery Back up | 01 |
34 | Xlinx Vivado System Edition S/W 25 users | 01 |
35 | Nexys 4DDR FPGA boards | 05 |
36 | Basys 3 Devolepment Kit | 01 |
37 | Zybo board | 01 |
38 | Mentor Graphics HEP (Back-End) 30 users | 01 |
39 | ARM Microconroller Training Kit LPC 214X Series | 04 |
40 | PIC Microcontroller Trainer Kit pic 16F877 | 04 |
41 | 4X4 matrix Hex Key pad interfacing IF-HExKPD | 02 |
42 | 6 Digit 7 segment display with calculator Key pad Interface | 01 |
43 | LCD 16X2 Interface model IF-LCD | 02 |
44 | Stepper Motor Interfacing IF -STEP,3Kgs | 02 |
45 | DSP Starter Kit | 03 |
46 | DSP Starter Kit (DSK) TMS320c6713 | 05 |
47 | Altera DE-2 kits | — |
48 | HCL Intel Dual core CPU 1.5GHz 2GB DDR3 RAM | 06 |
49 | ARM DEBUGGER | 01 |
Microwave Engineering Lab
The Department has well equipped laboratories. The labs are provided with necessary equipments as per the JNTU syllabus.
S.No | Name of the Equipment | Qty |
1 | Cathode Ray Oscilloscope (0-30) MHz | 5 |
2 | DSO | 3 |
3 | Fiber Optic Analog Link | 1 |
4 | Fiber Optic Digital Link | 1 |
5 | Fiber Optic Laser Link Kit | 1 |
6 | Klystron Microwave Bench | 4 |
7 | Gunn Microwave Bench | 2 |
8 | Function Generators | 5 |
9 | Radiation Pattern of Horn Antenna Setup | 1 |
10 | Pyramidal Waveguide Horn Antenna | 1 |
11 | DC Ammeters | 5 |
12 | Digital to Analog Trainer kits | 12 |
13 | One Meter fiber optic cable | 3 |
14 | Two Meter fiber optic cable | 3 |
15 | Three Meter fiber optic cable | 2 |
16 | Optical cable Joint Adapter | 2 |
17 | Circulator | 1 |
18 | Magic Tee | 1 |
19 | Multi -Hole Directional Coupler | 1 |
20 | CIE 123 Multimeters | 9 |
21 | Variable Attenuator(0-20)dB | 1 |
22 | Numerical Aperture | 1 |
R&D/Project Lab
The Department has well equipped laboratories. The labs are provided with necessary equipments as per the JNTU syllabus.
S.No | Name of the Equipment | Qty |
1 | FireBird V 2560 | 05 |
2 | Spark V Robot | 03 |
3 | FireBird V P89V51RD2 Adapter Card | 02 |
4 | FireBird V LPC2148 Adapter Card | 02 |
5 | P89V51RD2 Development Board | 02 |
6 | Servo Motor Based Gripper kit for the FireBird V Robot | 02 |
7 | Sharp GP2Y0A21YK0F infrared range sensor(10cmto 80cm) | 03 |